[mythtvnz] Incomplete recordings

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Fri Nov 28 10:13:56 GMT 2014

On Fri, 28 Nov 2014 20:41:06 +1300, you wrote:

>My recordings are cutting short.  They are usually stopping after about
>forty minutes.
>I have been looking at the logs and I simply cannot see anything suspicious.
>If the list rules allow it I have attached a pieces of mythbackend.log
>when the TVone news stopped at 41.16 after it started.  But I am unsure
>how to interpret what I am looking at.
>There was a write that took 15 seconds.  But there is nothing that says
>it failed
>In some cases the recordings say (when I query from the front end) that
>they are complete but stop after just a few minutes.
>I do not know how to diagnose what is wrong.
>I am having a lot of problems with this system:
>* Intel NUC
>* NETGEAR Ready NAS for the hard drives
>I am using the NUC as a front/back end, I have been too busy to put the
>next front end together
>Is anybody else running a system like this?

Fifteen seconds is way too long for a write - it very likely that the
write failed even though the message is not explicit about that.  And
what I have seen in the past on my box is that a failed write seems to
stop the recording at that point.

How many recordings are you doing at a time?  There is a limit to how
much traffic you can get on an Ethernet connection to a NAS.  Is it
gigabit Ethernet or only 100 Mbit?  And there seem to be lots of
commercial NAS boxes that perform appallingly badly with very low
write speeds compared to building one yourself with an old
motherboard.  So if you are expecting your NAS drives to work at the
full speed of the Ethernet connection, you may be sadly mistaken.

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