[mythtvnz] Mythfrontend hangs hard when starting live tv

Aaron Pelly apelly at monkeymasters.co.nz
Fri May 16 23:35:47 BST 2014

On 16/05/14 16:54, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:

> On 16 May 2014 08:53, Aaron Pelly <apelly at monkeymasters.co.nz> wrote:
>> Yes. I have seen this, and adjusted it on the backend. Is it possible that
>> due to not restarting the frontend (on another pc) I have requested an
>> obsolete channel?
> What version of myth are you using?

I don't have a specific build number on hand, but it's within the last week at the oldest

> even if liveTV can't tune on the last channel and appears to be hung,
> you can still request another channel by simply typing the channel
> number and validating with ENTER (or whatever you set your remote to).

I will try this. I didn't bother because myth appeared totally unresponsive, and until yesterday I didn't know what channel numbers I was using. :)

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