[mythtvnz] Deleting files

Neil Henwood nhenwood.lists at gmail.com
Tue Sep 17 03:09:31 BST 2013

> You might have a problem with permission on the files. Try setting the
> permissions on the files to allow write by anyone (I'd just go to the
> directory and do a "chmod 777 *"). I can't see how that would happen if the
> recordings were created by MythTV  in that location but if you've manually
> moved them then that might explain it.

I had a situation at one point where when I was testing I was running the backend service interactivly as myself, and that created recordings with my user permissions, and when I run the backend as a service it could read/play the files, but could not detete them. Updating persmissions and ownership of the files resolved the issue.

Just another way that this could happend.


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