[mythtvnz] Freeview DVB-T Channel Changes

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Thu Sep 5 10:18:36 BST 2013

On Thu, 05 Sep 2013 17:41:11 +1200, you wrote:

>On 2/09/2013 5:33 p.m., Tony Sauri wrote:
>> On 02/09/13 16:43, Nick Rout wrote:
>>> Cheers. These bloody plus one channels a waste of bandwidth for us myth
>>> users aren't they?
>> In general you are right ( if you have at least 3 tuners) but recently I
>> have been specifying a +1 channel where I was more concerned about disk
>> usage than replay quality :-)ly the
>Can also be useful where realised missed a recording within the hour!
>For some reason TV2+1 has TV1+1 data duplicated. I can't find a reason 
>for this and the data seems file seems correct. I tried sql correction 
>and then scanning as suggested, which was better than previous times but 
>still needed patching. Anyone else come across this?
>Maybe its related to the naming of TV2+1 which seems inconsistent and 
>possibly the problem for me?
>mysql> select chanid, channum, freqid, name, callsign, serviceid, 
>mplexid, xmltvid from channel;
>| chanid | channum | freqid | name                 | callsign 
>   | serviceid | mplexid | xmltvid                             |
>|   1001 | 1       | 34     | TV ONE               | TV ONE 
>   |      1200 |       1 | tv1.freeviewnz.tv                   |
>|   1002 | 2       | 34     | TV2                  | TV2 
>   |      1201 |       1 | tv2.freeviewnz.tv                   |
>|   1006 | 6       | 34     | TV ONE plus 1        | TV ONE plus 1 
>   |      1206 |       1 | tv1-plus1.freeviewnz.tv             |
>|   1007 | 7       | 34     | TV2+1                | TV2+1 
>   |      1207 |       1 | tv2-plus1.freeviewnz.tv             |
>|   1003 | 3       | 32     | TV3                  | TV3 
>   |      1300 |       2 | tv3.freeviewnz.tv                   |
>|   1004 | 4       | 32     | Four                 | Four 
>   |      1301 |       2 | four.freeviewnz.tv                  |
>|   1008 | 8       | 32     | TV3 PLUS1            | TV3 PLUS1 
>   |      1302 |       2 | tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv             |
>|   1009 | 9       | 32     | C4                   | C4 
>   |      1303 |       2 | c4.freeviewnz.tv                    |
>|   1005 | 5       | 36     | Maori Television     | Maori Television 
>   |      1400 |       3 | maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv              |
>|   1022 | 22      | 36     | Parliament           | Parliament 
>   |      1401 |       3 | parliament.freeviewnz.tv            |
>|   1028 | 28      | 36     | ChineseTV            | ChineseTV 
>   |      1403 |       3 | ctv8.freeviewnz.tv                  |
>|   1010 | 10      | 36     | PRIME                | PRIME 
>   |      1404 |       3 | prime.freeviewnz.tv                 |
>|   1033 | 33      | 36     | TV33                 | TV33 
>   |      1405 |       3 | tv33.freeviewnz.tv                  |
>|   1030 | 30      | 36     | TVCentral            | TVCentral 
>   |      1408 |       3 | tvcentral.freeviewnz.tv             |
>|   1050 | 50      | 36     | Radio NZ National    | Radio NZ National 
>   |      2000 |       3 | rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv          |
>|   1051 | 51      | 36     | Radio NZ Concert     | Radio NZ Concert 
>   |      2001 |       3 | rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv           |
>|   1071 | 71      | 36     | BaseFM               | BaseFM 
>   |      2002 |       3 | base-fm.freeviewnz.tv               |
>|   1021 | 21      | 36     | Stratos              | STRATOS 
>   |      1406 |       3 | stratos.freeviewnz.tv               |
>|   1072 | 11      | 36     | Trackside            | Trackside 
>   |      1402 |       3 | trackside.freeviewnz.tv             |
>|   2304 | 1304    | 32     | The Shopping Channel | The Shopping 
>Channel |      1304 |       2 | shopping-channel.freeviewnz.tv      |
>|   2407 | 1407    | 36     | ChoiceTV             | ChoiceTV 
>   |      1407 |       3 | choice.freeviewnz.tv                |
>|   2413 | 1413    | 36     | TV9                  | TV9 
>   |      1413 |       3 | tv9.freeviewnz.tv                   |
>|   2414 | 1414    | 36     | Firstlight           | Firstlight 
>   |      1414 |       3 | firstlight.freeviewnz.tv            |
>|   2415 | 1415    | 36     | Sommet Sports        | Sommet Sports 
>   |      1415 |       3 | sommet-sports.freeviewnz.tv         |
>|   2419 | 1419    | 36     | TVSN Shopping        | TVSN Shopping 
>   |      1419 |       3 | tvsn-shopping-channel.freeviewnz.tv |
>{Line feeds in emails are a pain...}

It is likely old data.  Like me, you have TV2+1 on the same chanid as
the old TV ONE plus 1 - so it still has the old EPG data.  It will fix
itself as the old data runs out, or you could try running
mythfilldatabase manually with the right options so it will overwrite
the old data.  The new TV ONE plus 1 channel would still have some old
U EPG too, except they stopped producing it early enough that it is
all gone by now.

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