[mythtvnz] TV and monitor on one PC. Sane?

Aaron Pelly apelly at monkeymasters.co.nz
Tue Oct 8 23:32:27 BST 2013

I have a mate who's interested in a PC running ubuntu and myth. Which 
should be reasonable. The PC will probably be in close proximity to the 
TV, making an HDMI cable plausible. I'm wondering if myth will happily 
run on one monitor, the TV, while his other monitor is used for general 
computing. Further to this, for lounge chair use, can a remote be set up 
for either just the TV monitor, or just myth?

I hope this is clear. I'm sure I could set something up along these 
lines for him, after some research, but I don't need to reinvent the 
wheel if you guys already know of similar solutions. The guy is 
reasonably tech savvy, and happy to fiddle a bit. WAF is not an issue. 
But anything that's too high maintenance probably won't be acceptable.


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