[mythtvnz] Prime move

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Wed Nov 13 02:30:53 GMT 2013

On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 08:38:24 +1300, you wrote:

>OK I'll admit I'm slow to notice, but prime seems to be moving on 
>freeview DVB-S
>So is my reading correct... we satellite users have to add a third DVB 
>transponder, at
>Frequency 12707000 kHz
>Symbol Rate 22500000
>Inversion Auto
>FEC 3/4
>Polarity Horizontal
>This is a Sky transponder but its carrying three non-encrypted channels.
>Then add another channel using a channel number of
>1056 for Prime South Island
>1055 for Prime Lower North Island
>1018 for Prime Upper North Island
>Then run mythfilldatabase to populate channels.
>However that doesn't wor, I can't see 1056 in anything, and trying to 
>watch it shows "recorder failed"
>Everything else works, (channels etc) what have I missed?

From a database point of view, you need to have added a new entry in
the dtv_multiplex table for the Sky transponder on 12707000 kHz.  Here
is mine:

mysql> select * from dtv_multiplex where frequency=12707000\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
          mplexid: 16
         sourceid: 4
      transportid: 11
        networkid: 169
        frequency: 12707000
        inversion: a
       symbolrate: 22500000
              fec: 3/4
         polarity: h
       modulation: qpsk
        bandwidth: a
     lp_code_rate: auto
transmission_mode: a
   guard_interval: auto
          visible: 0
    constellation: auto
        hierarchy: a
     hp_code_rate: auto
          mod_sys: DVB-S
          rolloff: NULL
       sistandard: dvb
   serviceversion: 9
  updatetimestamp: 2013-05-12 20:00:53
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Of course, yours will have a different sourceid and mplexid.

And you will need the new channel in the channels table:

mysql> select * from channel where channum=95\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           chanid: 3095
          channum: 95
           freqid: NULL
         sourceid: 3
         callsign: PRIME SI
             name: PRIME SI
             icon: /home/stephen/.mythtv/channels/prime.jpg
         finetune: 0
          xmltvid: prime.freeviewnz.tv
      recpriority: -5
         contrast: 32768
       brightness: 32768
           colour: 32768
              hue: 32768
         tvformat: Default
          visible: 1
    useonairguide: 0
          mplexid: 16
        serviceid: 1056
         tmoffset: 0
  atsc_major_chan: 0
  atsc_minor_chan: 0
      last_record: 2013-11-13 02:05:44
default_authority: crid://prime.co.nz
       commmethod: -1
           iptvid: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Again, you will have different sourceid, chanid and channum values
(and icon, callsign, name, recpriority, ...) from me and your mplexid
must match the mplexid for your dtv_multiplex entry.

I hope that will give you something to compare against to see what is

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