[mythtvnz] Mythfilldatabase appears to be trying to retrieve Datadirect listings

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Sun May 12 21:06:10 BST 2013

After exiting Mythbackend setup yesterday,mythfilldatabase ran and I  
noticed the output was different.Towards the end the process hung waiting  
to retrieve Datadirect data:

2013-05-12 16:35:08.769091 I  Added logging to mythlogserver at TCP:35327
2013-05-12 16:35:08.809602 I  Grabber prefers method: allatonce
2013-05-12 16:35:08.810065 I  XMLTV config file is:  
2013-05-12 16:35:08.910452 E  FillData: XMLTV grabber returned error code 2
2013-05-12 16:35:08.911101 E  Error in 1:1: unexpected end of file
2013-05-12 16:35:08.911167 I  IconData: Updating icons for sourceid: 1
2013-05-12 16:35:08.911676 I  No programs found in data.
2013-05-12 16:35:08.912206 I  Updating source #2 () with grabber  
2013-05-12 16:35:08.912346 I  No channels are configured to use grabber.
2013-05-12 16:35:08.912380 I
2013-05-12 16:35:08.912387 I  Checking day @ offset 0, date: Sun May 12  
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913064 I  Data refresh needed because no data exists  
for day @ offset 0 from 8PM - midnight.
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913070 N  Refreshing data for Sun May 12 2013
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913114 I  New static DB connectionDataDirectCon
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913868 I  Retrieving datadirect data.
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913894 I  Grabbing data for Sun May 12 2013 offset 0
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913915 I  From 2013-05-12T00:00:00Z to  
2013-05-13T00:00:00Z (UTC)
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913940 I  DataDirect: Grabbing listing data
2013-05-12 16:35:08.913986 I  Downloading DataDirect feed
2013-05-12 16:36:08.999789 E  DataDirect: Failed to get data: Download  
2013-05-12 16:36:08.999798 E  Encountered error in grabbing data.

This repeats a few times.I'm not using a grabber at the moment,as I was  
unable to get tv_grab_nz-py to work,so I am using a bash script to update  
the schedule."Download Listings" in Mythbackend setup is not  
selected,although it was few weeks ago when I was trying to get things  

Everything appears to work.I just wonder why it is doing this.


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