[mythtvnz] Sky is renumbering its channels on 1-May-2013

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Wed May 1 02:33:27 BST 2013

On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 1:06 PM, David Shepherd <david at daveshep.net.nz>wrote:

> On 01/05/13 11:40, Robin Gilks wrote:
>> I've renumbered manually via mythweb but I've got the impression (maybe
>> wrong) from this thread that its possible to use a DVB-S2 card, a card
>> reader and a Sky card to receive Sky but without the sky box.
>> I'd love to do this so that I don't suffer the degradation of the s-video
>> link between the Sky STB and an analog video card.
>> Is it possible? I don't have a problem with the subscription, I'd just
>> like to get the quality I'm paying for!!
>>  I'm interested in this too and would love some more details from Stephen.
> Is it OK to discuss this on the list, in a new thread of course?

I (as listowner) am happy for methods of using a DVB-S card with your OWN
Sky Card and your OWN subscription to be discussed. I don't want to see any
discussion of card sharing or softcams please.
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