[mythtvnz] hdhomerun doesn't connect on restart when connected directly to the lan port
paulgir at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 00:23:12 BST 2013
On Thu, 25 Apr 2013 08:59:50 +1200, Steve Hodge <stevehodge at gmail.com>
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 7:40 AM, Paulgir <paulgir at gmail.com> wrote:
>> After the killall command all I did was start mythfrontend so something
>> must have
>> started mythbackend along with it.
>> sudo service mythtv-backend restart does the trick too
> I'm not sure what is restarting mythbackend after the killall but the
> reason everything is working after that is because the >networking with
> the hdhomerun is already established.
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Stephen Worthington
> <stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz> wrote:
>> However, using static addresses will only work if the HDHomerun can be
>> talked to first and assigned a static address in that block. I am not
>> at all sure it has that capability. If it does, use the link-local
>> addressing to talk to it and assign it a static address, for example
>> netmask gateway Once it has been
>> assigned a static address, it will likely stop being able to talk on
>> the link-local addressing, but would work again once you assigned an
>> appropriate static address to eth0. To get the HDHomerun back to
>> working on DHCP or link-local addressing if it would not then talk,
>> you would need to use its reset button.
> http://www.silicondust.com/hdhomerun/hdhomerun_tech.pdf
> Note that it states that the hdhomerun takes 20 seconds from link-up
> until it can be addressed using a link-local address. >That's what is
> causing the problems for Paul.
> I'd also recommend a static address or a DHCP server. Static addresses
> can be assigned using hdhomerun_config. Get the >hdhomerun working using
> a link-local address then do:
> hdhomerun_config <old ip> set /sys/ipaddr “<new ip> <subnet> <gateway>”
> e.g. hdhomerun_config set /sys/ipaddr “
> To revert to DHCP/link-local addressing do:
> hdhomerun_config set /sys/ipaddr dhcp
> Cheers,
> Steve
Thanks for that.
I used hdhomerun_config discover to find the current address,
Then ran: hdhomerun_config set /sys/ipaddr ""
then I got this message: "ERROR: unknown getset variable"
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