[mythtvnz] Broken communication from front end

Worik Stanton worik.stanton at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 05:03:45 BST 2012

On 21/09/12 15:29, Steve Hodge wrote:
> grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@"192.168.1.%" identified by
> "your_password";
> Replace "your_password" with the password the mythtv at localhost account
> has (the one specified in the setting text file).
Assuming that I do that in the mysql database (use mysql)

But it made no difference


it does not matter                      I think that I shall never see
how much I dig and dig                    A billboard lovely as a tree
this hole just                      Indeed, unless the billboards fall
keeps getting deeper                      I'll never see a tree at all

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