[mythtvnz] Reception problems with HVR2200

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 04:12:45 BST 2012

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:04 PM, Worik Stanton <worik.stanton at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you.  All of that was very helpful

Worik, please stop top posting! I know we all do it by mistake from
time to time, but please try to remember.

> Worik
> On 10/10/12 14:44, Stephen Worthington wrote:
>> On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 08:06:34 +1300, you wrote:
>>> On 10/10/12 00:38, Curtis Walker wrote:
>>>> Trouble is - I'm not aware of any other readily available alternative
>>>> cards in NZ which have dual terrestrial tuners. And even then, they
>>>> could suffer similar problems or it isn't the card's fault, but
>>>> elsewhere in the chain!
>>> Is that necessary?  I'm getting good results from a single Nova-T stick.
>>> I am thinking of getting another.
>>> That would be two tuners without the need for a card.
>>> But I am wondering if I will get problems with 2 that I do not have with
>>> 1.  Will putting another tuner on the antenna weaken the signal?
>>> Worik
>> You have to split the aerial using a splitter to add more tuners.
>> Two-, three- and four-way splitters are readily available.  It is
>> recommended to use F-connectors for everything you can in an aerial
>> system, especially splitters - they are screw on and do not unplug
>> themselves fully or partially with time and knocks.  Just use a
>> Belling-Lee as the final connector to the tuner or TV.  Each time you
>> split a signal, you get a reduced signal after the splitter.
>> Typically, you get a 3 dB loss from a 2-way splitter.  Should the
>> signal loss from a splitter cause you problems, you just change the
>> splitter to an amplifier and then usually everything is fine.  You try
>> the splitter first, as they are cheap and work better than an
>> amplifier if your aerial has enough signal.  An amplifier will set you
>> back around $90-$100 for a 4-way one.  This is the one I am using:
>> http://www.tradetech.co.nz/shop/Outdoor+Aerials+%26+Accessories/Distribution+Amplifiers/SA164F.html
>> The F on the end of the part number indicates F connectors - mine came
>> with a full set of F to Belling-Lee converters, which was a bonus. The
>> SA162F is the two-way model.
>> See this page for a good explanation:
>> http://www.aerialsandtv.com/ampsandsplitters.html#AmplifierOrSplitter
>> I am using lots of USB 2.0 tuners, and they work fine.  But some are
>> better than others, and there are plenty that do not have Linux
>> drivers, so you have to research carefully before you buy.  I would
>> suggest asking here to confirm compatibility.
>> My favourite is the Pinnacle PCTV Nano Stick:
>> http://www.trademe.co.nz/computers/peripherals/other/auction-521846420.htm
>> It is the one that has never given me a moment's trouble, but is
>> usually a little more expensive.  That auction is a really good price.
>> I have two as my no. 1 and no. 2 tuners on my main MythTV box.  The
>> downside of USB tuners is that they hang out of the box and are
>> vulnerable to being knocked (eg the cat or the kids), so it pays to
>> think a little about how to prevent that, perhaps by having them
>> between the MythTV box and the TV next door, for example.  USB tuners
>> also typically only have fairly useless remote controls, but that is
>> fine if you are adding to an existing system with a good remote
>> already in place.  Some come with a short USB extension cable, which
>> is usually necessary as they are too big to plug directly into the USB
>> ports on a PC if there is anything nearby.  I usually use these for my
>> USB extension cables:
>> http://www.ascent.co.nz/productspecification.aspx?ItemID=372112
>> but they seem to be out of stock at the moment.
>> Here is a photo of what I have on my laptop, which is quite a neat
>> arrangement:
>> http://www.jsw.gen.nz/mythtv/laptop_tuners.jsw
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> it does not matter                      I think that I shall never see
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> keeps getting deeper                      I'll never see a tree at all
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