[mythtvnz] TV1+1 freeview.xml header update?

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Tue Jul 3 08:50:16 BST 2012

On 03/07/12 18:07, Steve Hodge wrote:
> I'd also point out that people screwing up their
> database and then asking for help on the main mailing lists has led some
> of the developers to conclude that they would be better off using an
> embedded sql engine so that people couldn't touch the database at all.

I'm not looking forward to embedded sql if it means the devs will 
restrict what you can do to the db. I don't really understand why anyone 
should worry about people screwing up their db. MythTV is free (and 
open) so nobody should demand or expect support if they break something 
and nobody should feel obligated to help someone who breaks their own 
db. And nobody should expect any advice given to be 100% correct.

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