[mythtvnz] TV1+1 freeview.xml header update?

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Tue Jul 3 05:13:40 BST 2012

On 03/07/12 14:16, Worik Stanton wrote:
> On 03/07/12 11:27, Nick Rout wrote:
>>>> >>Direct manipulation of the sql is deprecated. Use the tuning tools.
>>> >
>>> >Good advice.
>>> >
>>> >What tool should I be using to tune in TV1+1?
>> mythtv-setup
> It would be a great service if some one could explain *how* to update
> the back end to deal with the demise of TVNZ7 and the rise of TV1+1 (or
> whatever it is called). Words of one syllable if possible....
> mythtv-setup is a large unwieldy (unfriendly) programme. Also mythtv
> setups can be brittle. It took me a *long* time (years not months) to
> get mine set up to a usable point. I still am not 100% sure I am clear
> about the relationships between physical devices, inputs, channels....
> (Just last week I learnt a very useful fact about digital TV streams and
> DVB-T tuners). I do not want to risk damaging my setup.
> cheers
> Worik

What was the very useful fact about digital TV streams and DVB-T tuners?

I know what you mean about mythtv-setup. One reason (just one, there are 
others too) that I use sql is that it's quicker and simpler IMHO so long 
as you understand (roughly in my case) the relationships between tables.

Using mythtv-setup, which should be under System>Administration in 
Ubuntu, called "Mythtv backend setup" I think, you need to go into the 
channel editor and do a channel scan. I don't think there is any other 
way to add a channel in mythtv-setup. I have had unpleasant experiences 
with channel scans so I always do manual sql channel edits now.

Unfortunately the wiki 
seems a bit light on channel editing.

To make a new channel based on an old channel using sql I do this:

(1) Copy a record for the same mux from the channel table to a temporary 
         create table temp like channel;
         insert into temp select * from channel where chanid=xxxx;

(2) Modify chanid, channum, name, icon, serviceid, callsign, xmltvid, 
(and default_authority?) in temp table:
	update temp set chanid=yyy,channum=zzz,.....;

(3) Copy the modified record back to channel table:
         insert into channel select * from temp;

(3) Run mythbackend setup, including mythfilldatabase on exit, to get it 
working fully. Just updating the channel table doesn't get it all sorted 
for some reason.

Make sure you don't duplicate chanid, channum, etc.

As always, for peace of mind, backup your db before you mess with sql. 
Actually I would backup the db before a channel scan too, just in case 
it messes up your channel config.

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