[mythtvnz] Video output resolution question

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Sat Jan 21 19:22:18 GMT 2012

> I seem to recall you are on ubuntu, but I may be wrong.
> These commands are installed by default on my ubuntu 10.04 system, and
> I would be extremely surprised if they are not on your system.
> Please cut and paste the exact commands and responses. "I got a
> command not found type of message' is not particularly helpful.

Sorry about the brevity of the last reply.I'm using my desktop to email
the mythbox is not on my LAN yet.
OK. the message I got (had I read it correctly) told me what the problem
with those commands was - typos.Here's the output:

myth at myth:~$ xrandr
xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 175, current 1280 x 720, maximum 1280 x 720
default connected 1280x720+0+0 0mm x 0mm
    1280x720       50.0*    51.0     52.0
    960x720        53.0     54.0
    960x600        55.0
    960x540        56.0
    928x696        57.0     58.0
    896x672        59.0     60.0
    840x525        61.0     62.0     63.0     64.0     65.0
    832x624        66.0
    800x600        67.0     68.0     69.0     70.0     71.0     72.0      
73.0     74.0     75.0     76.0
    800x512        77.0
    720x576        78.0     79.0
    720x480        80.0     81.0
    720x450        82.0
    720x400        83.0
    700x525        84.0     85.0     86.0     87.0
    680x384        88.0     89.0
    640x512        90.0     91.0     92.0
    640x480        93.0     94.0     95.0     96.0     97.0     98.0      
    640x400       100.0
    640x350       101.0
    576x432       102.0    103.0    104.0    105.0    106.0    107.0     
    512x384       109.0    110.0    111.0    112.0    113.0
    416x312       114.0
    400x300       115.0    116.0    117.0    118.0    119.0
    360x200       120.0
    320x240       121.0    122.0    123.0    124.0
    320x200       125.0
    320x175       126.0


xwininfo: Please select the window about which you
           would like information by clicking the
           mouse in that window.

xwininfo: Window id: 0x1200003 "Desktop"

   Absolute upper-left X:  0
   Absolute upper-left Y:  0
   Relative upper-left X:  0
   Relative upper-left Y:  0
   Width: 1280
   Height: 720
   Depth: 24
   Visual: 0x21
   Visual Class: TrueColor
   Border width: 0
   Class: InputOutput
   Colormap: 0x20 (installed)
   Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
   Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
   Backing Store State: NotUseful
   Save Under State: no
   Map State: IsViewable
   Override Redirect State: no
   Corners:  +0+0  -0+0  -0-0  +0-0
   -geometry 1280x720+0+0

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