[mythtvnz] Installed new storage drive - lost previous recordings

Ross Williamson ross at inertia.net.nz
Thu Feb 2 02:54:39 GMT 2012

> I guess it would be advisable to keep the new drive for recordings 
> etc.
> and the smaller drive for the OS .
> What is the best way to move those existing recordings off the
> smaller  drive?

What you'll want to do is:

1) Create a temporary mount point

sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp

2) Mount the new drive there. Going by your first email, I'm going to 
assume this is /dev/sdb1

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/tmp

3) You now need to move the files from /var/lib/mythtv to /mnt/tmp - 
there are a number of ways to do this. Do you already have the MythTV 
folder structure on the new drive? You can check by running:

find /mnt/tmp

And checking the results. If it just prints:


Then you can do a simple mv:

sudo mv /var/lib/mythtv/* /mnt/tmp/

On the other hand, if it prints:

[...etc etc...]

You'll effectively need to merge the old and new structures. You could 
do a cp followed by an rm, or an rsync command similar to this one:

sudo rsync -av /var/lib/mythtv /mnt/tmp --remove-sent-files 

(explanation: this does a one-way sync from /var/lib/mythtv to 
/mnt/tmp, removing the files as it goes)

4) After you are satisfied your recordings are now in /mnt/tmp (run the 
find command above again to check), you need to unmount the new drive 
from the temporary mount:

sudo umount /mnt/tmp

5) And finally, run your original mount command again:

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /var/lib/mythtv

Hopefully, you now have everything there. Disclaimer: I've done this 
entirely from my head so I may have missed a detail or two.

Good luck


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