[mythtvnz] Upgrading to 0.25 from 0.23

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Fri Apr 27 05:01:40 BST 2012

I was finally forced to upgrade from 0.23 due to the audio glitch on 
Prime. Could have patched 0.23 I suppose but decided to bite the bullet 
and go to 0.25. Works fairly well as far as I have tested so far. Thanks 
to fellow listers for setup/bugfix clues and myth devs for rapid repairs 
to code.

I am seeing incorrect video lengths on some old recordings. Annoying. I 
have noticed in the past that this could be a seek table issue. I found 
in the past that using mythcommflag to rebuild the seek table for some 
recordings produced incorrect time codes. Forget the details but had to 
divide seek table entries by two to fix.

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