[mythtvnz] 720p 30fps playback

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Wed Sep 21 09:30:59 BST 2011

FYI for anyone who may have been following this thread, my issue turned 
out to be an audio/video sync problem, not a video frame rate problem. I 
successfully played several files with the internal player to confirm this:

- File with identical video but no audio created with "ffmpeg -i 
badfile.mov -vcodec copy -an goodfile.mov"
- mpg files at 30 Hz and 60 Hz frame rates but with different audio 
codec created with "ffmpeg -i badfile.mov -sameq -r xx goodfile.mpg" 
where xx = 30 or 60

I also checked the mythfrontend log created with "all" verbosity and it 
seemed that all the video frame rate and deinterlacing stuff was as it 
should be. Couldn't spot a clear indication of the A/V sync problem though.

The file played OK in VLC so I decided to set up VLC as the player for 
.mov files. This was not easy due to the ALSA audio setup on my machine 
and VLC defaulting to using PulseAudio. Finally got it working by using 
the .asoundrc file here: 
and then setting VLC audio config to ALSA instead of Default.

Note that I am using simple analogue stereo audio and separate DVI->HDMI 

I might need to look at upgrading from myth 0.23 to 0.24 although I'm 
not sure if this would fix my problem.

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