[mythtvnz] configuring hvr-2200 card

Roger Searle roger.searle at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 04:11:37 BST 2011

On 16/09/11 14:30, David Moore wrote:
>>> roger at gemini ~ $ wget
>>> http://www.steventoth.net/linux/hvr22xx/firmwares/4019072/NXP7164-2010-03-10.1.fw
>>> roger at gemini ~ $ sudo cp *fw /lib/firmware/2.6.38-8-generic/
>>> roger at gemini ~ $ sudo modprobe -r saa7164
>>> roger at gemini ~ $ sudo modprobe saa7164
>> I'm not sure what you meant by building several hundred files? The
>> firmware from the page (as you did above) should be all that you needed.
> I think he means building the v4l-dvb device drivers following the
> instructions on
> http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Hauppauge_WinTV-HVR-2200. I don't
> recall doing this myself so I assume late model kernels have built-in
> driver support for the HVR-2200 chipset?
Yes, that is what I was referring to, I wasn't clear if it was needed 
for a modern kernel or not.  Mythtv newbie...
>> By the way, if you put it in /lib/firmware/ directly then you won't have
>> to worry about what happens when the kernel gets updated.
> Good call. I "lost" the firmware after each kernel upgrade due to
> storing it in a sub-dir of /lib/firmware/. Pain copying it back each time.
So a simple copy of *.fw from the sub-dir to lib/firmware would appear 
to be all I need? Shall do that now.  Thanks for the tips!  Next piece 
of excitement is that I have the expected TV channels listed following a 
scan.  Now to make an actual recording...


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