[mythtvnz] LiveTV DVB-S fails, DVB-T is OK!! SOLVED

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Thu May 26 12:49:00 BST 2011

> Just in the last week or so I've had a strange problem.

... which now seems to be fixed!!

I'm using Gentoo which uses snapshots of the 0-24-fixes git repository so
the version numbers may look a bit odd!!

mythtv-0.24_p20110430 was OK
mythtv-0.24_p20110515 has the error
mythtv-0.24_p20110524 is fixed!!

This latest version is also known as:
MythTV Version   : v0.24.1-1-g347cd24

What a difference a week makes :)

Robin Gilks

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