[mythtvnz] Tevii DVB-S2 - S464

Darrin Nelson darrin_nelson at het.org.nz
Mon May 2 23:03:09 BST 2011

I have just completed my installation of MythTv using a Tevii DVB-S2 PCI card, model

I am a newbie to MythTV so the installation took me a good number of hours to
complete as I had to scour the web for information and believe me there is plenty
out there, also alot which isn't relevant. I installed on Ubuntu 10.04.

I did waste alot of time trying to get the Tevii remote control to work. Eventually
I cut my losses and went our and brought a MCEusb ($50 NZD). I got that working in
about 30 minutes. That was a milestone as you have to be able to control the box
from the couch.

Now to enjoy my creation and win the wife over with it.

If anyone is trying to install the same, feel free to email me and I will glady
share the details on my setup, as best I can.

Cheers Darrin

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