[mythtvnz] About to install Myth for the first time.

Steve Hodge stevehodge at gmail.com
Thu Mar 31 03:11:07 BST 2011

On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 14:55, Douglas Pearless <
Douglas.Pearless at pearless.co.nz> wrote:

> If speed is a concern, you may want to consider  a SSD drive for speed for
> all but the recordings.
> The start up times are very fast (my macbookpro goes from off to fully
> working in 17 sec and powers down in 3 secs)
> I am seriously considering getting a 64GB SSD for my Mythbox (I use a box
> NAS for my recordings).

If you're planning on powering your mythbox down an SSD is probably
worthwhile. If it's going to be on 24/7 then don't bother.

> > On Thu, 2011-03-31 at 14:31 +1300, Brett Davidson wrote:
> >> Is the MythTV db usage that bad? If so, any other ideas?

No, it's not that bad. So long as the database is on a seperate drive to the
recordings you won't have any problems. If the box is purely for myth then
having the database on the same drive a / will be fine.

You said this is going to start out as a combined fe/be. I count at least 6
disks (mirror 7200s for /, 10k for db, raid5 for recordings. How loud is
this machine going to be? Personally I would have / and db on a single 7200.
Take an image after it's all installed and make daily db backups, put those
on the raid5. Should be easy to recover if the 7200 dies.

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