[mythtvnz] Possibly OT: UPS question

Dean Pemberton dean at deanpemberton.com
Fri Jan 14 02:51:34 GMT 2011

I got replacement batteries for my APC too.
But I'm picking that I went down a little different path than you both...


I'm going to put a HUGE   "DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME"   disclaimer here 
before anyone tries to do a similar thing though.  Make sure you know 
what you're doing.


On 12/01/11 8:42 PM, Steve Holdoway wrote:
> I'll agree with that. I got my replacement batteries off trademe and
> they're been great.
> On Wed, 2011-01-12 at 20:04 +1300, criggie at criggie.dyndns.org wrote:
>> AAARGH!!!   Sodding piece of crap they are.   They work fine as a power
>> supplier, and its good they added a cooling fan, but the USB one is
>> totally standards non-compliant.
>> The best suggestion I have is to swap it for the older serial one, or
>> try the latest bleeding edge NUT with the hid driver, whatever its called.
>> Or return it, and buy new batteries for your APC.  If that's scarey
>> sounding let me know - I think you're in Christchurch.
>> BTW in theory anything that talks to /dev/ttySx should talk to
>> /dev/ttyUSBx just the same.  The dynamix one breaks the USB standard but
>> I don't recall exactly why.
>> On 12/01/11 19:17, Robin Gilks wrote:
>>> Greetings all
>>> I've just replaced (or at least trying to!!) the  UPS on my backend. My
>>> preference is to have all those disks let down carefully in the event of a
>>> power failure:)
>>> I've got a Dynamix 1700 that uses a USB connection back to the PC. I've
>>> tried NUT which always worked fine with my APC UPS but no go with this
>>> one.
>>> I've also tried the included software as well but that wants to talk to a
>>> serial port on the UPS - not a lot of good when its a USB port!!
>>> Anyone any clues on how to drive this beast or does it go back?
>>> Cheers

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