[mythtvnz] BIOS boot screen (was Re: HD Video jerky...)

tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Mon Aug 15 08:52:04 BST 2011

On 15/08/2011 5:08 p.m., Jason Taylor wrote:
> My Samsung works with correct resolution with HDMI but my parents needs
> overscan adjustment to fill the screen (?!!??!)...

Annoying, I can relate....

I upgraded a 10.04 mythbuntu on a CF connected via VGA to a 40C6200 
Samsung that was working fine to 10.10 on a SSD which suddenly needed 
overscan adjustment however as it was running 1080i overscan adjustment 
was not available.  I could not find a xorg.conf that fixed it.  Maybe 
someone can suggest? If I wasn't able to vnc in to get the full 1080i 
(on a 1920x1200 screen) I'd have asked earlier.  To be clear nothing 
else was changed hardware wise.

> Also using the VGA port on my Samsung when booting linux caused the
> picture via HDMI to be permanently red
> http://forums.cnet.com/7723-13973_102-371139.html
> Managed to work around it by using the service menu and pushing red all
> the way down but was/is very anoying

The description seems designed to make a support person cross eyed.... 
Sounds like a cable / connection issue?  Are Green and Blue there?

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