[mythtvnz] Lirc & MCE Remote

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Wed Apr 27 23:42:01 BST 2011

>> I've found that some keys, like the navigation keys l/r/u/d and the
>> volume
>> worked out of the box.
> Johan
> I feel your pain, I have 3 frontends and have different remotes on each
> one.
> I am this week embarking on a project to make the remotes on all three the
> same and also reduce it to one remote to operate both myth and the tv's.
> This has proven more difficult than I had imagined. My experimentation
> with
> universal learning remotes was a dismal failure.
> Where did you get your MCE remote, they are very difficult to get now?
> So much so that I have resorted to ordering XBox Wireless Gaming Receivers
> and the XBox Universal Remotes. They are very similar to the MCE remotes
> in
> that they can learn but I am anticipating some LIRC fun getting them
> working. I'll report back on my success as I imagine it will be a similar
> process to get these working.
> Toby

I just recently got an MCE remote kit from
I was very happy to get change out of $50 including postage and GST. It
includes an IR blaster as well :)

It just worked out of the box (once I'd corrected the config file name!!)

Robin Gilks

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