[mythtvnz] Pointers on how to track down machine lockup

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz at hotblack.co.nz
Mon Oct 11 23:20:49 BST 2010

On 12/10/2010, at 10:26 AM, Garrett Stoupe wrote:

> try running memtest leave running over night
> if it locks up then it is most likely a faulty mother board, if there
> are memore errors (Usually happens with in the first loop) then you
> will have faulty memory.
> if this passes with out failing fidn out the brand of hard drive you
> have and run there diagnostics
> if itis a maxtor or seagate run seatools
> hirens has all the software you need to test it and you can download
> it from http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd
> I am a hardware engineer if you have any issues contact me off list
> Regards
> Garrett

Thanks Garrett,

memtest86+ had been run prior to updating BIOS.  No issues.

Boot drive is a Barracuda 7200.12 500GB, recording space is a pair of Barracuda 7200.12 1TB. They were all thoroughly tested using a certify process that ran over 12 hours for the 500GB, and 19 hours for the 1TBs. I use this process to weed out drives before taking the time to install them in a machine.
SMART shows no errors.

It took a while to figure out how to download Hiren's Boot CD since there are no download links on that page. 8)  It's superslow, but will try seatools once I've finished downloading.

 - Wade

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