[mythtvnz] Optus D1 and Australian TV

Matt Poff matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz
Sat May 8 21:41:36 BST 2010

On 8/05/2010, at 9:55 PM, Steve Hodge wrote:

> On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 6:48 PM, Matt Poff  
> <matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz> wrote:
> No recordings were taking place during the tests so there was no
> reason for Myth to lock the polarity to Horizontal but I suspect that
> this is what's happening.
> Do you have a Sky box as well?

No, just a single LNB, fed to two DVB-S cards via a splitter. This is  
typical of what I'm seeing in the OSD when switching to an SBS channel:

Signal 84% | S/N 4.5db | BE 2800 | (1__) | No Lock

Sometimes I get a partial lock also.

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