[mythtvnz] Having trouble with epgsnoop

tim Lockyer drtimlockyer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 07:14:57 GMT 2010

 Using the instructions on the launchpad for epgsnoop-0.84. I have tried to
get epgsnoop 0.84 working twice using clean installations of MythBuntu 9.10
each time. Before installing everything is working correctly including the
TV reception. I also told the Backend under “Recording Options: to “Open DVB
card on demand”. I used the following “epgsnoop –tune 12671 –lnb 10750 >
/home/tim/listings.xml”. I install sqlobject as it seemed to be required.
When the script is run I get a lot of information which looks correct, but
at the bottom is the following.

 raise OperationalError(ErrorMessage(e, conninfo))

sqlobject.dberrors.OperationalError: Access denied for user
(using password:YES); used connection string: host=localhost, port=0,
db=imdb, user=mythtv

 I just do not know what to try?
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