[mythtvnz] Almost there with epgsnoop!

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Mon Mar 22 23:27:33 GMT 2010

On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 12:08 +1300, Nick Rout wrote:
> One thing I have never been clear on, what post processing does
> epgsnoop provide "out of the box" 

It's a bit of a mess at the moment as there's both epgsnoop and
xmltv-proc-nz which do processing and a lot of the processing is
duplicated in both.

epgsnoop does;


xmltv-proc-nz does;


Though the smaller list in xmltv-proc-nz is not completely
representational as the processors there incorporate some of the
features from more than one epgsnoop processor.

> and what processing has been applied
> to the data at nzepg.org? 

I believe the freeview data at nzepg.org comes from something like;

epgsnoop-grabber | xmltv-proc-nz | gzip > freeveiw.xml.gz

So it's not actually using epgsnoop to get the data from satellite at
all, it's using the freeview web xml feed.


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