[mythtvnz] epgsnoop

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Sat Mar 20 23:43:18 GMT 2010

On Sun, 2010-03-21 at 00:13 +1300, Robin Gilks wrote:
> Anyway, I've tried the new version of epgsnoop (I had to use bzr pull
> to get it as update didn't do anything) and it runs fine.

Yes bzr pull is correct sorry, I'm used to using bzr up with checkouts
on my webservers.

> I do get a few errors like this - randomly from 1 to 6 of them - it
> doesn't seem to do any harm.
> Error(75): read (PID 0x0012): Buffer overflow, stream bandwidth to
> high

I updated the code to use the subprocess module as popen2 is now
deprecated. As part of that I wasn't closing the stderr of the dvbsnoop
command so that's what that was from. I've closed it now.

> I guess the last piece of the jigsaw is to be able to just load the
> file directly with tv_grab_nz-py rather than going through a web
> interface.
> Since there are no options passed to it I guess that means either a
> flag/options/config file or setting a variable at the start to steer
> the code one way or the other. 

Being able to use epgsnoop as an XMLTV compliant grabber directly from
mythfilldatabase was one of the reasons I decided to implement tuning


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