[mythtvnz] EPG alternative (yes another thread)

criggie at criggie.dyndns.org criggie at criggie.dyndns.org
Tue Mar 16 05:53:26 GMT 2010

Steve Hodge wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Hadley Rich <hads at nice.net.nz 
> <mailto:hads at nice.net.nz>> wrote:
>     I could probably whip one up fairly quickly without infringing on any
>     "intellectual property".

> Hads, given that you've just had a run in with Sky, please be careful 
> with this. It seems to be against their website's terms of service:
 > ....

So - remind me... what's on sky that isn't available elsewhere?

1) Sports events
2) ...nothing

Frankly I'd tell sky to stick it, had I ever been sucked in in the first 



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