[mythtvnz] Next problem --- Audio over DVI to HDMI

Ross and Jemima Knudsen ross.jemima at gmail.com
Sun Mar 7 20:52:06 GMT 2010

On 8 March 2010 09:19, Jonathan Hoskin <jonathan.hoskin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Because I like to use the volume control on the Myth remote (and not on the
> TV remote), I had to turn on the software mixer, which in my case was fairly
> craptastic when dealing with digital audio.

Nice adjective (craptastic) I'll have to remember that one.  I'm also
hoping to reduce down to one remote as well.  I was at my Mums
yesterday and they have a big 50" plasma with a receiver, sky, dvd
with hdd recorder which equates to about 4 remotes.  They have a hard
time changing all the settings on each device to get it to function

> Yep, this happened to me too. You need to run a startup script which quietly
> loads up the nvidia settings when Gnome starts.
> First, just make sure you have a ~/.nvidia-settings-rc file, with your
> overscan settings already in them. This *should* already be present because
> they load OK when you run nvidia-settings manually. Check for a line like
> this (yours will probably say 100 I guess):
> 0/OverscanCompensation[DFP-0]=65
> Then, create a Gnome startup file called
> ~/.config/autostart/nvidia-settings.desktop, then restart GDM or
> logout/login or reboot:
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Exec=nvidia-settings -l
> Hidden=false
> X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=true
> Name[en_NZ]=Nvidia Settings Apply
> Name=Nvidia Settings Apply
> Comment[en_NZ]=
> Comment=
> I'd be interested to hear how you get on.
> Jonathan

Cheers for that Jonathan.  I kind of seemed to have solved that
problem as well as the sound issue at the same time.  When I posted
that link to the mythtv wiki I misunderstood what it was trying to do.
 It actually was what I needed to do.  Basically it was saying that
the nvidia drivers try to output sound on the DVI port regardless of
whether it has spdif headers or if they are even connected to the
sound card.  This is obviously a pain because it sends an empty sound
channel to the TV over the DVI port and the TV doesn't look for audio
on any other port.  So I implemented the suggested workaround and now
the TV recongises it as a DVI signal and will use the analog audio
input.  Success!

Also as of a fresh boot this morning the screen didn't overscan
without having to go into nvidia-settings (if you have a similar setup
Jonathan you might consider looking into whether this might fix it).
Originally I was trying to send the sound over the DVI cable but since
my sound setup is lofi (rather than hifi) it will be adequate.  When I
can be bothered I might check the headers etc.  By the time I can
upgrade my sound setup I'll probably be ready for a new graphics card

Cheers for everyone's help.

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