[mythtvnz] SQL Dump please

Tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Sun Jun 20 03:18:02 BST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wade Maxfield" <mythtvnz at hotblack.co.nz>
To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2010 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] SQL Dump please

> On 19/06/10 12:23 PM, Tortise wrote:
>> I've run up mythbuntu 10.40 using a couple of 500T cards.  I have a problem running mythfilldatabase, with autoruns I get:
>> Last mythfilldatabase run started on 2010-06-19 03:17 and ended on 2010-06-19 03:17. mythfilldatabase ran, but did not insert any
>> new data into the Guide for 1 of 1 sources. This can indicate a potential grabber failure.  There's guide data until 2010-06-27
>> 00:55 (8 days).
>> Why the "failure" when I've still got 8 days (apparently updated)!  I get:
> That's the message you get when no new data was added. I tried running
> epgsnoop twice a day (5am & 3pm) and that's the message I got on the
> afternoon run.  Moving the afternoon run back further to after 4pm finds
> some new data, and sometimes I get data for upto 9 days.

Yes , however I've been getting the same message for more than a week, so it is updating data despite what it says.  I've not run 
any other EPG, and EIT is disabled on the Tuners, unless its covertly pulling thru MHEG data, but I somehow doubt thats been added 

Using mythweb I've edited this down to:
mysql> select chanid,channum,mplexid,serviceid,freqid,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid from channel order by chanid;
| chanid | channum | mplexid | serviceid | freqid | sourceid | callsign          | name              | xmltvid                    |
|   1001 | 1       |       1 |      1200 | 48     |        1 | TV ONE            | TV ONE            | tv1.freeviewnz.tv          |
|   1002 | 2       |       1 |      1201 | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2               | tv2.freeviewnz.tv          |
|   1003 | 3       |       2 |      1300 | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3               | tv3.freeviewnz.tv          |
|   1004 | 4       |       2 |      1301 | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                | c4.freeviewnz.tv           |
|   1005 | 5       |       3 |      1400 | 59     |        1 | Maori Television  | Maori Television  | maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv     |
|   1006 | 6       |       1 |      1202 | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 6            | TVNZ 6            | tvnz6.freeviewnz.tv        |
|   1007 | 7       |       1 |      1203 | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 7            | TVNZ 7            | tvnz7.freeviewnz.tv        |
|   1008 | 8       |       2 |      1302 | 50     |        1 | TV3 PLUS1         | TV3 PLUS1         | tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv    |
|   1009 | 9       |       2 |      1303 | 50     |        1 | C42               | C42               | c42.freeviewnz.tv          |
|   1010 | 10      |       3 |      1404 | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME             | prime.freeviewnz.tv        |
|   1022 | 22      |       3 |      1401 | 59     |        1 | Parliament TV     | Parliament TV     | parliament.freeviewnz.tv   |
|   1028 | 28      |       3 |      1403 | 59     |        1 | ChineseTV         | ChineseTV         | ctv8.freeviewnz.tv         |
|   1030 | 30      |       3 |      1408 | 59     |        1 | tvCentral         | tvCentral         | tvcentral.freeviewnz.tv    |
|   1033 | 33      |       3 |      1405 | 59     |        1 | TV33              | TV33              | tv33.freeviewnz.tv         |
|   1050 | 50      |       3 |      2000 | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ National | Radio NZ National | rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv |
|   1051 | 51      |       3 |      2001 | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ Concert  | Radio NZ Concert  | rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv  |
|   1071 | 71      |       3 |      2002 | 59     |        1 | BaseFM            | BaseFM            | base-fm.freeviewnz.tv      |
17 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I again got the same message today.  I've also enabled mythfilldatabase -v xmltv so will see what is logged when it runs tonight.

Running mythfilldatabase -v xmltv as {logonuser} gets repeats of:

2010-06-20 12:38:05.050 Grabbing listing data
--2010-06-20 12:38:05--  http://webservices.schedulesdirect.tmsdatadirect.com/schedulesdirect/tvlistings/xtvdService
Resolving webservices.schedulesdirect.tmsdatadirect.com...
Connecting to webservices.schedulesdirect.tmsdatadirect.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Reusing existing connection to webservices.schedulesdirect.tmsdatadirect.com:80.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
Authorization failed.
2010-06-20 12:38:05.685 Grab complete.  Actual data from  to  (UTC)

I'm not sure why schedules direct is being contacted as I have not (to my kowledge) enabled that.

I have the same .xmltv file under mythtv and {logonuser} subdirectories containing


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