[mythtvnz] New Mac Mini

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 01:33:20 BST 2010

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Jonathan Hoskin
<jonathan.hoskin at gmail.com> wrote:
>> NZ$ 1,299.00
>> Yeah it ticks the "ouch" box
> Could you name a non-Apple branded machine of the same size, that looks as
> good, runs as quiet, with the same hardware spec (CPU) and feature set, that
> is markedly cheaper?
> I'm not arguing, I'd be genuinely interested in seeing a competing product.

No, but for a mythtv frontend (and that's the list we are on!) a revo
or an asus EB1012 is significantly cheaper and will do the same job.

Of course if you have a use for the extra cpu power, that argument is
out the door. But a frontend does not have a use for the extra cpu

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