[mythtvnz] FreeviewHD and EPG data

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Thu Jan 28 01:44:26 GMT 2010

On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 13:32:31 +1300, you wrote:

>I've just added a nova-td 500 card (diversity, model 298) to my setup.
>I've noticed the the EPG only seem to contain information about 2-3h
>ahead for most of the channels. After that I can see that there are
>programs, but I have no details about them, so for example there is a
>slot for One news tonight at 6, but no actual information is provided.
>Is that something to be expected with terrestial reception or do I
>have to tweak something further to get more EPG?
>kind regards

All you get on DVB-T EIT is Now/Next data (the current program and the
next one).  There is a full set of schedules in the MHEG5 data, but
MythTV does not support that.  DVB-T users normally use downloaded EPG
with the tv_grab_nz-py script:


Or get the full EIT EPG from a DVB-S card if they have one.

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