[mythtvnz] Frontend over slow wifi link

James Gray james6.0 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 05:41:21 GMT 2010

> Engenius have some souped up APs that have power outputs in the range of
> Lots to Scarey.  They're around $250ish each

http://gowifi.co.nz/Ubiquiti-Networks/View-all-products.html -
ubiquiti is another option... I've had 1Mbit over 350M through a city
block on the crest of a hill (so buildings, dirt, and asphalt in the
way) with a pair of NS2s... rated at 5km (line of sight i guess),
they're about $178 each.

The M5s are only about $10 extra, and are rated at 15km

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