[mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Feb 21 12:46:47 GMT 2010

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 23:22:54 +1300, you wrote:

>Wow, thanks guys, especially Stephen, the scripts and reference table is very helpful, perhaps already for more than just me.
>I did do a number of scans as things weren't right, e.g. the LiveTV up and down arrows did not display all the channels, although 
>they were there when selecting the channel numbers.  Also the correct values to enter when running tv_grab_nz-py were not that 
>obvious to me, which may have been part of the problem, I was going to publish the data for next time, however clearly that would 
>just mislead others as I currently have it.

I had problems running tv_grab_nz-py in setup mode, and ended up
manually configuring things instead of using setup mode.  I just
manually created a FreeviewHD.xmltv file in my /home/stephen/.mythtv
directory, and linked my /home/mythtv/.mythtv directory to
/home/stephen/.mythtv.  That made it all work.

>I think this is all meant to be one line:
>   (1001,'1','48',1,'TV ONE','TV
>however the spaces have been interpeted as line feeds for "TV ONE" and "'2010-02-21 19:29:01'".

Yes, each of those row entries are all on one line, from the '(' to
the ')'.  I do not know how it might have been mangled in
transmission, but I would try saving the whole post as a text file -
that might get around the line wrapping problem.  If not, you will
need to join the lines again carefully.  Hopefully the space between
"TV" and "ONE" will still be there and you can just remove the line
feed or carriage return and line feed characters.

>Looks to me that the table is the same for Warite and KauKau.

I would think it would be sensible for the transmitters to all use the
same mplexid/serviceid values throughout the country.  So you would
expect to only have different freqid values from one transmitter to
the next.  But not having seen anyone else's channel table values
until now, I was not sure if they had been that sensible.  When the
transmitters are far enough away from each other, they can also reuse
the same frequencies for transmitting multiplexes, so it is entirely
possible that several transmitters in NZ share the same freqid values
too.  I would have thought though, that KauKau and Wharite were a bit
too close to each other for that.

>I'll have a go at this when its not recording.   I imagine playing 
>with the table while recording might cause issues.  I'll let you know if that fixes the multirec.

Yes, it is best to have everything shut down when manually playing
with the database.  That includes mythbackend if possible.  Wait until
there is nothing going to record and any background jobs have
finished, then run "stop mythtv-backend".  Once you have fixed the
database, run "start mythtv-backend".  The "start" and "stop" commands
are new in Ubuntu 9.10 - they are part of the new "upstart" startup
system.  I have yet to find any documentation on the possible job
names for the stop and start commands.  The only thing I have found is
the link names for things in /etc/init.d - anything that is linked to
/lib/init/upstart-job seems to be a job name for the stop and start
commands.  Those job names are not the same as the process names
("mythbackend" in this case).

>Thank you again. 

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