[mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?

Tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Sun Feb 21 07:41:23 GMT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Worthington" <stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz>
To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:57 PM
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?

> On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:46:47 +1300, you wrote:
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Tortise" <tortise at paradise.net.nz>
>>To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
>>Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:17 PM
>>Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Nick Rout" <nick.rout at gmail.com>
>>> To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:02 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?
>>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Tortise <tortise at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
>>>> I have 2 500T, comprising 4 tuners each with 5 virtual tuners set, yet for some reason multirec does not seem to work, that is 
>>>> I
>>>> can
>>>> only seem to get one channel from each tuner. There are 20 encoders in mythweb. I cannot find a setting that turns off 
>>>> multirec.
>>>> Tonight I have a recording conflict as I am trying to record 5 overlapping things.... I cannot find a setting about this, as 
>>>> best
>>>> I
>>>> can tell setting 2 or more virtual tuners turns multirec on and nothing should turn it off then? (Mythbuntu 23565)
>>>> Can anyone suggest how its turned itself off or where to look to move this forwards?
>>>>Multirec is turned on by setting more than one recording per real
>>> tuner, ie you have it turned on already.
>>>>How are your 5 recordings distributed through the various multiplexes?
>>My tuners are named T0, T1, T2 and T3.  From Mythweb "Upcoming Recordings"
>>1) Conflict   Doc Martin   1 - TV One   Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)   1 hr
>> 2)   T1  Jaws 3  4 - C4  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs 5 mins
>> 3)   T0  ??Norbit  2 - TV2  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs
>> 4)   T2  Sunday Feature: Hidden  5 - Maori Television  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs
>> 5)   T3  Prime Presents: Last Chance To See  10 - PRIME  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:35 PM)  1 hr 15 mins
>>1 and 3 should be on one multiplex  (48)
>>2 the 2nd (50)
>>4 and 5 the third (59)
>>Makes me wonder if my channel setup is not correct, I put it up at http://imagebin.ca/view/nxWwOByI.html
> The channel setup shown by mythweb is not complete - it misses out the
> vital bits for DVB-T: mplexid and serviceid.  To see them, you will
> need to do a bit of SQL.  The following presumes that you are running
> a recent mythbuntu.  Make a .sh file with this in it:
> #!/bin/bash
> # Run MySQL to access the mythconfig database.
> source /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
> mysql -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword -h $DBHostName $DBName
> and chmod it to be executable.  Run it and you will get a mysql
> prompt.  I find it is best to do this from a xterm, so that you can
> use a very wide screen.  Then paste in this command and see what the
> mplexid and serviceid shows:
> select
> chanid,channum,freqid,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid,mplexid,serviceid
> from channel;

mysql> mysql> select chanid,channum,freqid,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid,mplexid,serviceid from channel;
| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign          | name                       | xmltvid                    | mplexid | 
serviceid |
|   1001 | 1       | 48     |        1 | TV ONE            | TV ONE                     |                            |       1 | 
1200 |
|   1002 | 2       | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2                        |                            |       1 | 
1201 |
|   1006 | 6       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 6            | TVNZ 6                     |                            |       1 | 
1202 |
|   1007 | 7       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 7            | TVNZ 7                     |                            |       1 | 
1203 |
|   1003 | 3       | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3                        |                            |       2 | 
1300 |
|   1004 | 4       | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                         |                            |       2 | 
1301 |
|   1009 | 8       | 50     |        1 | TV3 PLUS1         | TV3 PLUS1                  |                            |       2 | 
1302 |
|   1005 | 5       | 59     |        1 | Maori Television  | Maori Television           |                            |       3 | 
1400 |
|   1022 | 22      | 59     |        1 | Parliament TV     | Parliament TV              |                            |       3 | 
1401 |
|   1028 | 28      | 59     |        1 | ChineseTV         | ChineseTV                  |                            |       3 | 
1403 |
|   1010 | 10      | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME                      |                            |       3 | 
1404 |
|   1050 | 50      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ National | Radio NZ National          |                            |       3 | 
2000 |
|   1051 | 51      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ Concert  | Radio NZ Concert           |                            |       3 | 
2001 |
|   1071 | 71      | 59     |        1 | BaseFM            | BaseFM                     |                            |       3 | 
2002 |
|      1 | 1       | 48     |        1 | TV1               | TV One                     | tv1.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
0 |
|      2 | 2       | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2                        | tv2.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
0 |
|      3 | 3       | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3                        | tv3.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
0 |
|      4 | 4       | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                         | c4.freeviewnz.tv           |    NULL | 
0 |
|      5 | 5       | 59     |        1 | MAORI             | Maori Television           | maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv     |    NULL | 
0 |
|      6 | 6       | 48     |        1 | TV6               | TVNZ 6                     | tvnz6.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
0 |
|      7 | 7       | 48     |        1 | TV7               | TVNZ 7                     | tvnz7.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
0 |
|      9 | 8       | 50     |        1 | TV3+1             | TV3 PLUS 1                 | tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv    |    NULL | 
0 |
|     10 | 10      | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME                      | prime.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
0 |
|     22 | 22      | 59     |        1 | Parliament        | Parliament TV              | parliament.freeviewnz.tv   |    NULL | 
0 |
|     50 | 50      | 59     |        1 | National          | Radio New Zealand National | rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv |    NULL | 
0 |
|     51 | 51      | 59     |        1 | Concert           | Radio New Zealand Concert  | rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv  |    NULL | 
0 |
|   1242 | 242     | 59     |        1 | Test Channel      | Test Channel               |                            |       3 | 
1402 |
|   1245 | 245     | 59     |        1 | Reserved 6KSD     | Reserved 6KSD              |                            |       3 | 
1405 |
|   1100 | 100     | 59     |        1 | Freeview | HD     | Freeview | HD              |                            |       3 | 
1406 |
|   1030 | 30      | 59     |        1 | tvCentral         | tvCentral                  |                            |       3 | 
1408 |
30 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(Copy and paste into a constant width font will re-align the columns) 

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