[mythtvnz] nuvexport of HD recordings

Wade Maxfield mythtvnz at hotblack.co.nz
Mon Feb 15 05:51:19 GMT 2010

On 15/02/10 12:02 PM, Robin Gilks wrote:
> Has anyone managed to get nuvexport to understand H264 recordings? I get
> as far as being told there is no profile for H264 but no clue is given as
> to where the profile is supposed to exist (MythTV?, novexport?, ffmpeg?).
> Cheers

It's probably referring to the profiles that you can edit in nuvexportrc 
(at the end of the file are some examples)

Sorry, I can't help much more that that, as I gave up on nuvexport a 
long time ago. Instead I use lossless transcoding to remove ads, then 
Handbrake to export to xvid or H.264 from another machine (OS X actually)

I'm curious as to how you plan on using these transcoded files?  Is the 
Via your only frontend so the transcoded file will replace the original, 
or are you going to be using the original HD recordings on your main 
frontend and the Via needs access to some alternative files (and if so 
are you going to use MythVideo to get to them?)

  - Wade

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