[mythtvnz] Good DVB-T USB capture device

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 21:45:07 BST 2010


Thanks for that thread. I don't think that 'diversity/dual-tuner'
switch works under linux. I wonder what the default setting might be.

On a separate note - it looks like only TVONE is affected, even on the
same multiplex. On Wed I've recorded two shows (from TVONE and TVNZ6)
and the TVONE is corrupted whilst the other one is not. Last night
I've recorded multiple streams again and none of them was corrupted.
So far the only difference was in the alleged 'HD-ness' of the signal
(i.e. those on Wed didn't have the HD sign, but those yesterday -
did). The issue seems to occur periodically, around 2 past the hour
and then around 32 past the hour. I've checked cron - nothing there.
I've started running dstat with logging to a file to capture if there
is anything happening at that time (so far - nothing special).

I get signal on both inputs (using external splitter) of about 72-74%,
the same if I only use ANT1, only ANT2 causes drop on the first tuner
to about 40%. From what I've gathered so far I don't think it's not an
issue with the input signal.

kind regards

On 23 April 2010 06:11, Noel & Di <noel at igrin.co.nz> wrote:
> Did I miss something or is this not the beginning of the post>
> If your card records other multiplexes, then it works OK.
> Take a look at this thread
> http://www.hauppauge.co.uk/board/showthread.php?t=16160
> Good Luck!
> Noel Claydon

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