[mythtvnz] Has anyone seen the new Zotac units?

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 07:30:13 BST 2010

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Daniel Giddens <daniel at acsdata.co.nz> wrote:
> True, we do cross a bit here .... originally I posted saying I also boot my
> backend system drive off SSD and I have my TV recordings directory on that
> drive. It's a multi card high def set up using multiplexing so many front
> ends hitting the back end and many channels being recorded all at the same
> time etc etc

so sorry if I am being thick, but you can't have a lot of room for
recordings on that ssd drive. Or do you really mean you just have Live
TV on that drive?

In relation to the future price debate, surely standard hard drive
prices will continue to fall. So although we may be buying terabytes
of ssd drives at reasonable prices in X years, we'll also be able to
buy hard drives with scores or hundreds of terabytes for reasonable
prices. Given the tendency for people with media PCs to keep
everything for as long as possible, many will chose the
scores/hundreds of terabytes, even if ssd's are faster.

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