[mythtvnz] Has anyone seen the new Zotac units?

Daniel Giddens daniel at acsdata.co.nz
Mon Apr 19 05:01:54 BST 2010

If you read my post you will see I bought an Intel 40GB SSD for $225.
This is not about price per MB it is about 32 seconds boot time vs 10
seconds from cold not from standby. It's about achieving 300MB/s not
60MB/s. It's about running 4 streams at 300MB/s and not 4 streams at a
few MB/s. If you use a new SSD drive you will never go back ... well
that's my opinion anyway. 

I have multiple frontends, some with compact flash, some with HDD and
now some with SSD's. I am speaking from first hand experience not paper

I agree we are a way off getting 1TB SSD's at cheap prices today. Today
we can get 2TB for under $230. Two years ago we probably were buying
250GB drives for that price.

I use old style drives for the backend because yes SSD's would be way to
expensive to use to TB's of storage. The original topic was frontends
which is where I recommended SSD's over compact flash.

I recon we will see TB SSD's for reasonable prices within 2 years.
Manufacturers will be heading that way versus mechanical drives and as
volume and competition rises the prices will fall. 

Lets repost in two years and see who's right :)


On Mon, 2010-04-19 at 15:48 +1200, Steve Hodge wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Daniel Giddens <daniel at acsdata.co.nz>
> wrote:
>         Within 2 years all drives will be SSD's, next to no power
>         consumption, no moving parts, 5-6 times the speed. Limited no
>         only by size and price and these are going up and down in the
>         usual directions like all IT hardware does.
> Size and particularly price have a long way to move though. The
> cheapest SSDs are about $300  for 64GB. That'd get you a 2TB Western
> Digital SATA drive. So at best price/GB is 30 times higher for SSDs. I
> can't see that gap closing in 2 years. And the biggest SSDs are only
> around 250GB. Fine for a desktop, not so good when you've got 3TB of
> media to store.
> Personally I think SSDs will take over as the OS/applications drive in
> most new machines within the next 2 years, but they won't account for
> all drives, no way.
> Cheers,
> Steve
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