[mythtvnz] Has anyone seen the new Zotac units?

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Sun Apr 18 06:31:15 BST 2010

On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Nick Rout <nick.rout at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Ross and Jemima Knudsen
> <ross.jemima at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Daniel Giddens wrote:
>>> Just built a couple of Zotacs with SSD drives. Did a 7volt mod to the 12
>>> volt fan and it is completely silent. It boots in around 10 seconds. It
>>> uses HDMI out and the sound works perfectly via the HDMI cable.
>>> This board is the perfect front end device. You can source them from a
>>> supplier in Auckland which I forget .... google is your friend.
>> I was meaning the thin client type devices not the MBs (is that what you
>> were referring to?).
> They look nice. I wouldn't call it a thin client, more a small PC like a revo.
> As you didn't point to a particular product but mention the Atom 510 I
> assume you are talking about the ZOTAC ZBOX HD-ID11 which has
> previews here:
> http://www.legitreviews.com/news/7503/
> http://www.slashgear.com/zotac-zbox-hd-id11-ion-2-nettop-announced-0276369/
> and google will find you others. From googling it appears to be ION2
> which I believe means it's based on an nvidia 2xx series chipset, not
> 9400 like the ION1. This means it will be able to accelerate more
> codecs, like xvid, as well as mpeg2 & h264 that ION1 can do.
> i see this computer also has spdif out, which some people want. I
> wonder how much it will be in NZ?  The US$199 revo is hard to get here
> for less than NZ$600 (I have a daily trademe search).

you'll probably get it to do the most advanced interlacing in mythtv too.

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