[mythtvnz] Drive throughput

AlanP alan.p at orcon.net.nz
Sat Apr 10 07:04:33 BST 2010

What would you all consider good in terms of enough performance for three 
channels recording at the same time (off the Freeview DVB-S streams), while 
also watching something from the same drive?

Would a Samsung F2EG 1TB drive be enough? Should I go for a couple in Raid 
zero, with another IDE drive I already have as the boot one?

I currently have a 160G IDE, and 2 320G SATA drives all lumped together in 
Linux'es native what-ever-it-is setup, and at times in the evenings it gets 
mildly laggy.

Alan Podjursky                  ICQ 24423014
"When in doubt, use brute force." -- Ken Thompson 

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