[mythtvnz] Second USB DVB-T tuner causes high load

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Thu Oct 8 15:39:09 BST 2009

On Thu, 08 Oct 2009 21:36:21 +1300, you wrote:

>I have a very odd problem, I have purchased two of the ASUS usb tuners
>mentioned below in Stephen's post. I got the first, and was so impressed
>I decided to get a second. This is where the problem starts...
>When I connect the second tuner the load average on the machine jumps to
>1 even when all the daemons etc have been shut down and the machine is
>as idle as it's possible to get a linux box.
>I have VirtualBox running on the machine hosting a copy of ubuntu 9.04
>server. With 1 tuner connected it's all good. Connect the second tuner
>and the ping times to this virtual machine jump from <1ms to 20-60ms
>(varying all over the place).
>Despite the problems above, the second tuner appears to work fine.
>The server is a Core 2 Duo E6600 2.4Ghz, 6GB Ram, running ubuntu 9.04
>server 32 bit, kernel version 2.6.28-15-server-52.
>I'm using the 32bit version of ubuntu because I'm testing SageTV for
>linux which only ships with 32bit binaries. I have PAE enabled to get
>access to the full 6GB of ram.
>I'm unsure how to progress from here. 
>Any ideas anyone? seen something similar?
>Should I log a bug with the ununtu people or try and track down the devs
>for the DVB driver and log a bug with them?
>Thanks for your thoughts,

What process does top say is using all the CPU?  Does the high CPU
happen only when the second tuner is in use, or if it is just plugged
in?  What happens if you unplug the second tuner?  Have you tried
using it in a different USB port?

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