[mythtvnz] AMD UVD2 support expected through VA-API

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Sat Nov 21 22:53:02 GMT 2009

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:15 AM, Aaron Whitehouse
<lists at whitehouse.org.nz> wrote:
> Hello all,
> This is fairly old news now, but I thought I would forward it on to
> anyone who hadn't seen it:
> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=amd_xvba_vaapi&num=1
> It looks as though VA-API will be the way to get AMD/ATi's UVD2 support
> in Gnu/Linux.
> I understand that VDPAU can also be accessed through VA-API (through an
> additional library) and that Intel is supporting VA-API as well.
> Am I correct that currently MythTV supports (thanks to Jean-Yves) VDPAU,
> but does not support VA-API?  Are there plans in the works to support
> I wouldn't be surprised if this announcement was made before any drivers
> were released to try and get applications to use VA-API before the
> drivers.

One thing I have learned in relation to computers - any platform, any
functionality - don't rely on promises of what is just around the
corner. So in the meantime I will continue to recommend nVidia and
vdpau :)

We have had promises of working acceleration in intel graphics chpsets
and working open source drivers for AMD/ATI for ages now. Result? nix.

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