[mythtvnz] Nova T-500 cards

Ross Williamson ross at inertia.net.nz
Mon Nov 16 09:11:15 GMT 2009

Brett Miller wrote:

> What I always understood the nova-t-500 to be:
> The original Nova-T-500 is a USB device.
> Two USB tuners&  USB hub on  PCI card.

I stand corrected. Sorry  - I never owned an original non diversity T-500.

> I read something on the web about a reason for going to two antenna inputs.
> Don't remember the details, but seems pointless&  annoying as will have more
> loss with one antenna thru' splitter.
> Only benefit would be pointing the two UHF antenna in different directions.

> With two inputs people are going to join them together with a bit of wire, I
> would.

I should mention that the TD-500 does not require an antenna in both 
sockets, I have only a single input into mine and nothing in the second 
port but both tuners work. The second port is for diversity only. So you 
can use it if you have multiple antennas but otherwise just use it as 
you do with the single port version.


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