[mythtvnz] Problems reinsalling MythTV 0.21

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Sun Nov 1 13:01:41 GMT 2009

2009/11/1  <james at booths.net.nz>:
> I just 'upgraded' my Mythbuntu system to 9.10. MythTV 0.22 did not
> work out to well for me (very unstable) so have reverted back to 0.21.
> I followed JYA's instructions for rolling back, however I am having a
> problem with libmyth 0.21-0. When Synaptic tries to install libmyth I
> get:
> E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libvdpau0_0.2-0ubuntu11_i386.deb: trying to
> overwrite '/usr/lib/libvdpau_trace.so', which is also in package
> nvidia-185-libvdpau 0

That's because you have kept the default Ubuntu nvidia driver packages.

Before trying to install myth; *only* upgrade the nvidia drivers for
one of the one I ship (190.42 is the latest official release).

Once nvidia as been upgraded, then install my mythtv packages.

> I seem to be stuck in dependency hell. The conflict seems to be
> between JYA's libvdpau0 package and Ubunutu's vdpau-driver
> installation. Trying to uninstall conflicting packages just seems to
> lead me in circles. Can anyone offer advice?

Don't try to uninstal, it will be all automatic.
My 0.21-packages will automatically install over the default
mythbuntu/ubuntu ones if you have activated the "release" repository
(do not activate "testing" or "debug".

So in synaptic, to summarise: select unmark all, reload, select nvidia
drivers from my repository, apply, then re-install mythtv 0.21

But it would probably better to find out why 0.22 isn't stable for you...

If you do want to stick to 0.21, make sure you lock that version,
because the minute 0.22 is official, I will be moving the 0.22
packages from testing into release.

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