[mythtvnz] MythTV upgrade, bleeding code, ready for tester

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 02:39:33 BST 2009


2009/6/25 Steve Hodge <stevehodge at gmail.com>:
> If your willing to test bleeding edge stuff for JYA, why not  run trunk?

TBH, I'm pretty certain my "bleeding" repository is rather stable :)
and regarding MythTV, only playback and video encoding got modified,
and with code known to work well in trunk..
it wouldn't add much instability unless I made an error.

BTW, I upgraded my backend with it, and it's been problem-free so far.
I did get an "error to init video" on my frontend, but looking at the
log, the network connection went down at that time, to it actually
handled things quite well as usually my frontend would lock then

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