[mythtvnz] mythtv in a school.

Criggie criggie at criggie.dyndns.org
Mon Jun 15 03:38:07 BST 2009

Blazy Babe wrote:
>> Been there done that.  Your only next step is to enquire of the
>> Executive Officer or Bursar, has the school paid the Copyright
>> licencing fee for this year?

> I just went to the Burser and they have paid already. It actually
> comes up for renewal in September each year and they will renew it as
> they normally do.

Well they're idiots because it was massively overpriced for the benefit.  
We calculated the yearly fee at ~$14,000 a year.  That buys a lot of DVDs
retail or from amazon, and they aren't licenced yearly.

>> The actual hardware you might use is irrelevant if you're not allowed
>> to use it.

> I would love to know what hardware/software you did use and how it went.

Never did it - see above.

If I did have no legal restrictions, I'd suggest you put a big fat
mythbackend on your staff lan and isolate it from student PCs.

Fit it with a DVB S or T card per transponder, and hook them to a dish or
UHF aerial depending on your location.   Install a linux distro and
configure the backend to work.

Install mythweb and apache on the mythbox.  Install something like
tapeworm or mythplayer on the staff computers (assuming they're windows)

Then test it.  Lots.

Then get two technically literate staff to find all the things you missed.

To repeat - I'd not allow students to access this at all.

What you do is your choice - these are just what I'd do, if I was.



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