[mythtvnz] Is anyone sucessfully using an XBOX as a myth frontend?

Steve V olivuts at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 19 03:56:32 GMT 2009

I have attempted to set up an XBOX as a myth frontend.

I have tried to use Myth-frontend on xebian - I get database connection and menus, but if I select watch live Tv or a recoring all I get is a blue screen.

I also tried using XBMC (no linux) and though I can play live TV and recordings both are very stuttered. I can put an AVI file on the Myth-backend PC and patch it on the XBOX using XBMC without any performance issues.

I am using a plain old Analogue card (PVR500) to recieve and to record from.

Love to hear from someone who has this working in NZ and to hear what setting you are using.



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